Here’s How To Get Free Wi-Fi At Splendour In The Grass

Let’s face it, Wi-Fi is pretty much up there with water as far as “things we need to survive” these days, and so with Splendour In The Grass set to take over Byron Bay over the weekend, Twitter have just announced they’ll be giving punters free high speed Wi-Fi.

May it nourish you with its interweb goodness.

That’s right people, you can upload all the tweets, selfies and live streams your little hearts desire, all without worrying about going over your data limit and being plunged into crippling debt when you get your bill.

“But how do I get it!” I hear you scream at fever pitch. Well shut up and let me tell you.

It’s actually very simple, as Twitter explains: “All you need to do is click on Wi-Fi in your phone Settings menu, and then log in with Twitter.”

If you don’t have an account though, never fear as you can sign up here.

Not only are they giving you free Wi-Fi though, they’re also helping you “make the most of the festival” by setting up some hashtags to help you follow the action on Twitter. ‘Cos who wants to rely on their actual senses to experience something when we can do it on social media?

Firstly you can follow the #SITG2016 hashtag, as well as Twitter’s behind the scenes reporters @nickelly and @piamuehlenbeck for exclusive videos and photos, as well as @SITG, Splendour in the Grass’ official Twitter account which will be posting real-time behind-the-scenes action as well.

If you prefer a more curated Twitter experience though, just follow @MomentsAU, which will be uploading daily highlights and sharing the best artist Tweets. You barely even need to go to the festival anymore.

You can also check out the Twitter Australia blog, for even more ideas on how to enhance your Splendour experience, 140 characters at a time.

Who needs to the surf the break when you can surf the web.

GIF: giphy



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