A Horse Actually Walked Into A Bar On The Weekend, Here’s Why

A photo emerged on the weekend of a police officer on a horse inside a bar, obviously causing mass internet interest, along with low key outrage.

The horse was snapped by writer Jonno Seidler as he was driving past Bondi’s Beach Road Hotel prompting people to think that police are now so cautious about trouble erupting in places where people can drink that they need horses inside to keep rowdy New South Welshman under control.

“I just couldn’t fathom what kind of situation you’d need to be in where you’d need to bring a horse into a bar,” Seidler told Fairfax, which is basically everyone’s collective thoughts. Apart from NSW Police.

They have offered up a response to Pedestrian.tv and, well, it’s quite clever actually.

“Mounted unit officers patrolling the Bondi area were invited in by the manager of the establishment for a neighhh–bourly chat,” A NSW Police spokeswoman said.

It’s completely possible that that response will leave you with exactly the same questions you had before you read it.

Meanwhile, Seidler has no idea how this escalated so fast.

“This couldn’t be further from actual news,” he tweeted, which basically is him just being a bit of a neigh-sayer.

We’ll let ourselves out.

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