Oh, that James Franco. He’s always keeping us on our toes. In between taking the piss out of Kim & Kanye and working on a Smiths-style album with an actual member of the Smiths, the frat pack actor has been channelling his adoration of noir-pop songstress Lana Del Rey into an book, because who wouldn’t.
The 100-page surefire bestseller is titled Flip-Side: Real And Imaginary Conversations With Lana Del Rey, and from the look of its cover, it’s packed full of candid photos of Franco, Lana, her sister (Chuck Grant), and Museum of Modern Art director Klaus Biesenbach.
There’s been no synopsis released yet, but Franco did pen a totally gorgeous essay-poem-thing about his musical muse in V Magazine earlier this year, stating: “I wanted to interview Lana for a book and she said, ‘Just write around me, it’s better if it’s not my own words. It’s almost better if you don’t get me exactly, but try’.” (Well, that would explain the whole real and imaginary conversations thing).
While news of the book has caused some corners of the internet to speculate that Franco and Del Rey, real name Lizzy Grant, must be like totally getting it awn, Franco merely calls her his “muse and friend”.
Del Rey, meanwhile, is gearing up to release her third studio album, Honeymoon, in September.
But you’ll have to wait all the way til next year to get your hands on Franco’s paperback ode to her. Flip-Side: Real And Imaginary Conversations With Lana Del Rey isn’t due for release until March 15th.
Co-written by a dude called David Shields, the book is available for pre-order now.
Feel free to judge the book by its cover, below.
Listen: Lana Del Rey – Honeymoon