Johnny Rotten’s Shtick Passes Use-By-Date In Unbearably Awkward Live Interview

John Lydon, aks Johnny Rotten, has done what he does best and made a total dick of himself while being interviewed on Channel Ten’s infotainment program The Project.

Currently in Australia as part of Public Image Ltd’s national tour, the interview crossed from the studio to Lydon backstage at Eatons Hill Hotel in Brisbane. The interview began in an upbeat, civil manner but soon became uncomfortable and hostile after Project panelist Carrie Bickmore attempted to ask a question and cut Lydon off in the process.

Looking to get Lydon’s thoughts on the death of Margaret Thatcher, Bickmore was unable to finish her question before Lydon himself interrupted.

“Hey, hey, hey, missus. Shut up. Whoever you are, shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Now, listen – when a man is talking do not interrupt,” berated Lydon.

At first the interjection was met with laughter but when Lydon’s comments turned misogynistic audience members can be heard giving a collective gasp. Bickmore’s apology for speaking over Lydon was only met with more hostility.

“Stop it. You sound like one of them dreadful loud birds I don’t like. OK? You be polite,” Lydon demanded.

When Bickmore responded by informing Lydon his remarks were offensive, Lydon replied in kind:

“So are you when you do that – you’ve got to learn what manners and respect is.”

Lydon continues to berate the panel for beginning to “shout like excitable children” even though they are apparently talking to a proper “master of the universe”.

The rest was an absolute cluster-fuck of an interview, which very well could be attributed to a faulty ear piece, but most likely to the fact that ol’ Johnny thinks that because this behaviour was funny 40 years ago it’s still funny now.

This go from super-awkward to cringe-worthy the moment Rotten tells the panel, “You’re done, alright, and I done ya.”

The interview is then very quickly cut.

What do we learn from this? We probably shouldn’t send The Project to interview punk icons. Also, make sure all your gear and levels are checked before you go live. That’s the Music Feeds motto, I believe.

UPDATE: Rotten has responded to the public outcry following his interview on The Project – full details here.

Watch: Johnny Rotten interview on The Project

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