Image: Twitter / @TimeWarpAR

Judge’s Ruling To Ban Nightclubs In Argentina Overturned In Less Than A Day

The fall-out from the ill-fated Argentinian edition of Time Warp festival – where five attendees died from drug overdoses last week – has continued its downward spiral.

Just days after the mayor of Buenos Aires announced the banning of music festivals, and that the organisers of Time Warp were to be arrested, a judge ruled to close all nightclubs and music venues in the city.

Buenos Aires judge Robert Gallardo tried to extend the ban to nightclubs in the capital, describing the music scene in the city as “a landscape of impunity and lack of state control with respect to nocturnal activities.” His ban was to be in place until illicit drug usage in the area could be curbed significantly.

The ban didn’t last long however, with Horacio Rodriguez Laretta – head of the Government of Buenos Aires, calling for the order to be lifted. He acknowledged the dangers of the city’s drug culture, but suggested that there were still plenty of people enjoying nightlife responsibly.

Shortly after his statement, another judge removed the ban and nightlife access was restored. The festival ban is set to remain in place until the government can come up with an alternative plan to better fight illicit drug use.

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