Julian Assange Spoofs ‘You’re The Voice’ In Satirical Election Rap ‘A Game Of Polls’

As the Federal election draws closer, the vastly homogeneous candidates are desperately trying to stand out from the crowd and appeal to any demographic by whatever means necessary – even if it means donning a wig, a Southern Cross bandana and covering John Farnham, a la Julian Assange‘s latest effort.

The leader of the Wikileaks Party has thrown his hat into the ring by featuring in the latest episode of satirical YouTube program Rap News, entitled Australian Election: A Game of Polls. Interviewed by uber Ocker correspondent Ken Oathcarn at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Assange gets a bogan makeover after being told he stands no chance of actually winning a seat in the Senate.

After Assange’s tranformation, it becomes clear that distributing top-secret information is a stronger suit than moving in time with music. He throws a few rhymes into the mix and puts on his best John Farnham impersonation, though, as per the credits, you’ll notice his vocals were provided by a third party. Points go to the shut-in for being able to take the piss out of himself, though isn’t that the same reason we aren’t voting for Clive Palmer?

Rap News, produced by The Juice Media, has been kicking around since 2009, providing a satirical look at Australian society and current events delivered – as the name suggests – by a rapping newsreader and journalists.

The episode also features Tony Abbot as a budgie-smuggling Gollum, Julia Gillard as the Red Woman, and a triumphant Rudd ruling as King Kevin. But, really, this is all about Assange. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Interpol’s most wanted.

Watch: Rap News Episode 20 – ‘Australian Election: A Game of Polls’

RAP NEWS | A Game of Polls - feat. Julian Assange

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