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Kanye West & Donald Trump’s Presidential Bids Are Scarily Alike

#Yeezy2020 fever has well and truly taken hold. If nothing else, Kanye West’s surprise mid-VMA’s announcement to run for President of the United States has kept the internet flourishing creatively over the past 48 hours, birthing an assortment of hilarious memes and celebratory Twitter accounts.

There have also been plenty of comparisons made between Yeezy and Donald Trump, the famous billionaire, whom those not incapacitated by sheer confusion whenever they catch site of his unfathomable combover will know is currently on the campaign trail to run for Prez in 2016.

But, as funnyman Jimmy Kimmel has just pointed out, the pair actually seem to have a lot more in common than simply both being famous rich people who suddenly decided to take a tilt at the world’s highest office.

In a segment on his show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, the comedian aired a supercut of quotes taken from West and Trump, proving that the odd couple in fact have a terrifying amount of overlap in their campaign ideals.

From a distrust of politicians, to their pro-stance on wacky tobacky. Observe:

And that’s not the only videographic tribute to Ye and Donald T. In an equally entertaining new clip entitled Yes We Kanye, the internet’s don of political satire Huw Parkinson has imagined what it would be like if the rapper took part in this year’s Republican Presidential Debate, opposite Trump. Behold:

Yes We Kanye from Huw Parkinson on Vimeo.

Meanwhile, it seems like Kanye’s momentous and earth-shaking decision to run for leader of the free world may not have been as meticulously thought-out as we were all led to believe. Despite his announcement at the VMA’s seeming like the strategic climax of years worth of scrupulous planning and preparation, new evidence would suggest otherwise.

A video has emerged, indicating that Kanye West got the idea to announce his candidacy for President of the United States at the VMA’s, from a random kid in the crowd shouting “Kanye for President!” at the VMA’s.

Well, Yeezy did tell people to “listen to the kids, bro” in his speech.

Meaning he literally led by example.

Which is more than we can say for most politicians.

*drops mic*

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