Kanye West Kidnaps Pete Davidson In Intense Claymation Music Video

Whew, Kanye West is continuing to do the most.

If you’ve had the mental and emotional capacity to keep up to date with what’s happen in his and Kim Kardashian’s life, then you’ll be right across his vendetta against comedian Pete Davidson.

From calling him ‘Skete’, to threatening his estranged wife’s new boyfriend on social media, Kanye has not let up. And it’s continued this week, as Kanye revealed the music video for his collaboration with The Game, ‘Eazy’.

The predominantly claymation clip is a bizarre one, with the animated Kanye West kidnapping ‘Skete’, putting a bag over his head before tying him up and eventually burying him up to his neck. The clip features the claymation character sprinkling rose seeds around his head which eventually bloom.

Again if you’ve been following the weird saga online, you’ll know that Kanye had delivered a truck full of roses to Kardashian for Valentine’s Day.

The final frames of the ‘Eazy’ music video read: ‘EVERYONE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER EXCEPT SKETE YOU KNOW WHO. JK, HE’S FINE’.

Watch the video below:

The Game, Kanye West "Eazy" (Official Music Video)

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