Kid Rock Slams ‘Miserable’ Critic For Review Of His Palm Beach Show

Dealing with people’s opinions and criticism is part of rock star life, but Kid Rock obviously didn’t take too kindly to a recent review of his show in Palm Beach on December 30.

As Loudwire reports, the American Badass singer was told that his songs “simply are not very good” and he “totally sucks” in the review, which was published in the Broward-Palm Beach New Times.

Rock was also slammed by the writer for having a minimum ticket price of $60, and was described as being the complete opposite of “jack-of-all-trades” such as Dave Grohl.

The opening paragraph read: “It has been said that a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. However, while someone like Dave Grohl feeds his children by disproving the aforementioned statement, Kid Rock has managed to spin a career out of what boils down to on-stage vivisections of the term.”

As a result, Rock has returned fire, questioning whether the reviewer was actually at his show or a Radiohead concert, describing him as “the biggest hater, jackass, miserable p—- critic on Earth.”

“He is such a miserable p—- it makes me laugh to read how much he or she hates me, but has to admit everyone had a blast! He probably really enjoys Radiohead shows!! Haha. I bet if you ask anyone who was at the show, a good time was had by all!”

“He is exactly the type of a–hole me and Sean Penn were making fun of in Americans.”

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