Kids React Poorly To Walkmans, Headphone Requirement Is “Messed Up”

Back in our day, before the days of BitTorrent, LimeWire, Kazaa, or even Napster, regular folks used to steal their music by taping it off the radio onto magnetic tapes encased in fairly flimsy plastic and then listening to them in our cars or on a cumbersome, bulky monstrosity we knew as the Walkman.

Fast-forward to 2014 and 9-year-old Shannon is irate, appealing to sense and common decency asking, “You need headphones just to listen to music? Do you know how messed up that is?” while others lambast tech giant Sony for making a device that is “too complicated” and “takes forever.”

“I feel so lazy saying this: you have to actually do stuff,” says 12-year-old Elle in her review for the latest instalment of Kids React, in which today’s young’uns are given a window into the past and say things like, “I’m such a ’90s kid, but I wasn’t born in the ’90s” and “Hand over the headphones.”

Watch: Kids React To Walkmans

KIDS REACT TO WALKMANS (Portable Cassette Players)

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