Image: Supplied + Ian Laidlaw + Supplied

Kira Puru, Alex The Astronaut & WAAX Were All Harassed/Assaulted At Their Gigs This Weekend

CONTENT WARNING: The following article discusses sexual assault

Concerts are supposed to be safe spaces for fans of all types to come together and revel in the fact that they’re seeing an artist absolutely smash a performance.

Concerts are not, however, supposed to be a place where drunk and belligerent men have the nerve to harass or assault the artist they’ve paid to see. Sadly, the latter happened to not one or two but three acts this weekend: Kira Puru, Alex The Astronaut and WAAX frontwoman Marie DeVita.

The latter took to Instagram first, so reveal that she was groped twice while performing a show at Newcastle’s Cambridge Hotel. Taking to the band’s official IG page, DeVita (aka Maz) said that while the venue is one of her favourites in the country, she feels completely disrespected and degraded.

“I couldn’t figure out who you were because you moved so quickly in a really large crowd of people,” Maz wrote.

“But I hope you’re glad to know that I fucking felt it and it was extremely degrading.”

“I don’t know who you are,” Maz continued later, “but you know who you are and I want you to know that your disgusting behaviour is not welcome in our music scene or anywhere really. It is totally disrespectful and plain fucked up. Musicians work really hard to make music and perform it. We deserve some fucking respect.”

Puru also took to Instagram to reveal that she was harassed by a punter while performing in Townsville. Stating that she had already had a panic attack prior to even hitting the stage, she was already fragile.

“When I stepped into the lights, everything was whirring n I felt pretty nervous that I might have a panic attack on stage,” Puru wrote.

“During the show, some loser from the crowd yelled out some shit about my ‘fat pussy’ from in the pit.”

“…It’s frustrating to not even be able to get through a 30 minute set without some gronk harassing me and commenting on my body,” Puru continued later.

“Fortunately I’m a fucking G and just called it out and dealt with it on stage but straight after the set I had a bit of an embarrassing meltdown/release triggered by that moment.”

“I think we can all just agree that this behaviour is inappropriate, disrespectful and entirely unwarranted. IT IS HARRASSMENT. Don’t bring your shitty, entitled attitude to any gig of mine or any show or public place for that matter….If you behave like a fucking tool, YOU WILL BE CALLED OUT AND KICKED OUT. If you are with or near a stupid fucking gronk, call their behaviour out and make them accountable. If you can’t see why this behaviour is an issue YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.”

Finally, Alex The Astronaut revealed she had an uncomfortable experience while performing in Adelaide, and said she was inspired to speak up by Maz doing so earlier today.

“I walked off stage to the merch desk and four boys asked for photos (which is fine),” Alex wrote on Instagram.

“One put his arm around me and whispered in my ear that he had a crush on me (two times) and asked if that was okay to say. When I said I’m gay so yes as long as he got that he said it again. I am small, he was very tall he kept his arm around me the whole time and I felt uncomfortable. His friend did the same thing and when I tried to leave got annoyed and when he asked to buy me a drink and when I said no thanks got cranky.”

Read all statements from Puru, Alex and Maz below.

If you need assistance, 1800 RESPECT – the National Sexual Assault, Domestic
and Family Violence Counselling Service — can be reached on 1800 737 732.

For help or information regarding mental health, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or
Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.

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