Lamb Of God’s Randy Blythe ‘Disgusted’ By Fans Lack Of Respect For Victims Of Connecticut School Shooting

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe has expressed his frustration with fans who did not observe sixty seconds of silence for the victims of the Newtown, Connecticut School Shooting during a recent Lamb of God gig in Medford, Oregon.

As reported by Loudwire, Blythe took to his Instagram Account to share his ‘disgust’ with audience members that cursed and laughed during the one-minute display of respect. Blythe didn’t hold back in explaining exactly what he thought, describing the snickering individuals as “a piece of shit” and adding that, “your parents are obviously pieces of shit too, because they raised you to behave with no dignity”.

Read: Randy Blythe’s Instagram Message

I have never been more disgusted with an audience in my life. I wish we hadn’t played. We, lamb of god, asked for sixty seconds of silence during our 1st set break to honor the dead children & teachers in CT. It seemed appropriate – it’s a goddamned national TRAGEDY. Most of the crowd complied, but several didn’t, some cursing & even laughing. I wanted to walk off stage. I am so disgusted right now”

If you were one of those who wouldn’t shut up for SIXTY LOUSY SECONDS to honor twenty MURDERED CHILDREN – go look in the mirror. You are looking at a piece of shit. Your parents are obviously pieces of shit too, because they raised you to behave with no dignity. To the fans who were respectful, I thank you. I am also sorry you have so many goddamned assholes in your community.

You should do something about that. This s— would not have happened at a Lamb of God show where I live and that is a fact. We have more manners. I am just disgusted — thoroughly disgusted. You yelling people give metal a band name. Screw that. You give humanity a bad name. Grow up. Your parents should have beaten some manners into you, you savage little beasts.

I will go to bed, say a prayer for those suffering, and hope for a better day tomorrow, because tonight sucked.

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