Linkin Park’s ‘Numb’ Performed By Screaming, Barking Animals Is Hands Down The Funniest Thing You’ll See On The Internet Today

Look, we’ve all seen some weird shit in our time. But every now and then the good ol’ internet still manages to come out something so truly dank and random that we can’t help but go “DAFUQ?”

Take this cover of Linkin Park‘s Meteora classic Numb by a variety of screeching, demonic animals, for example.

The menagerie of dogs, foxes, donkeys and other furballs is fast becoming the world’s next big nu metal sensation.

From the little powder-puff pomeranian yap-singing the intro riff, to his bigger, tougher mate bark-rapping Mike Shinoda’s classic pre-chorus hook, the whole thing is completely fark-off ridiculous but at the same time somehow so god damn funny that you might actually pull a muscle from LOLing so hard.

So while you wait for the real Linkin Park to finish recording their new album, watch Linkin Bark below.

Linkin Park - Numb (Animal Cover)

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