Man Claiming To Be Prince’s Drug Dealer Says The Singer Had Been Addicted To Painkillers For 25 Years

Some shocking claims have been made about pop icon Prince in the wake of the tragic mystery surrounding his death.

As still-grieving fans wait to learn the results of an autopsy and finally get some closure on what happened to him, two people who were apparently close to The Purple One have spoken out with troubling revelations relating to health issues and alleged chemical dependencies that the musical genius was struggling with before he died.

For starters, one man who’s identified himself as Prince’s longtime drug dealer (Buuuut who could also very easily just be some BS artist/deluded spotlight chaser/scum-sucking vulture) has told The Mirror that Prince was addicted to high-strength opioid painkillers for more than 25 years.

Identifying himself only as “Doctor D”, the guy described the iconic musician as being “majorly addicted” and claimed that he regularly bought drugs off him between 1984 and 2008.

Doctor D also reckons it was an expensive habit, claiming that Prince would spend up to $US40,000 at a time on six-month supplies of Dilaudid pills and Fentanyl patches – both highly addictive painkillers – and adding that he couldn’t perform onstage without them because he suffered from “crippling stage fright”.

Also, in response to claims from those closest to the legendary muso that he was a super-healthy vegan who never abused drugs or alcohol, the “doc” explained: “He was always a pill man – that’s why nobody ever saw him do drugs. He never shot up, or snorted cocaine”.

Tragically, D also hypothesised that it could have been an *actual* doctor who unknowingly contributed to Prince’s death – by prescribing him strong pain killers for his hip condition without knowing that he was secretly also taking opiates.

Another commentator to come out of the woodwork has been Prince’s brother-in-law, Maurice Phillips, who alleges that the singer hadn’t slept for six days before he was found dead in a lift in his Minneapolis home.

“I was with him just last weekend,” he told News Corp. “He worked 154 hours straight. He was a good brother-in-law.”

Apparently, the *alleged* sleep deprivation could be the result of Prince’s *alleged* painkillers, which The Mirror reports can induce insomnia if mixed with other meds.

It comes after reports from gossip site TMZ that Prince was treated for a painkiller overdose in the week prior to his death, and rescued from the brink of flat-lining with a “save shot” that was administered after his tour plane made an emergency landing.

But I guess we won’t know for sure until his autopsy results come through in a few weeks’ time.

In the meantime, heartbroken tributes to the great Purple One have been flooding in from his fans and peers – including a number of dedicated performances at Coachella 2016 this weekend – and even mother nature herself, while monuments across the world have been turning purple for Prince.

You can stay up to date with all of the latest information and updates via our Prince Feed.

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