We’re now a few weeks on from the incident, which has probably been usurped in the eyes of the public by one of Bieber’s latest antics but the issues following Miguel’s Billboard Awards failed stage jump attempt may only just be beginning. Despite the fan appearing to cop the drop knee, it appears she may have received some serious damage from the stunt that never should have happened.
An unnamed source said to be based deep within the Billboard Awards camp has told TMZ (red flags, red flags everywhere) that organisers of the event told Miguel not to follow through with the jump recalling:
“Miguel approached producers before rehearsals and asked if he could try to jump over the crowd during his performance but producers shot down the idea.”
As we all know, their concerns were justified when the R&B performer failed to make the distance, collecting Khyati Shah and absolutely crushing her into the stage. You’ve no doubt seen the GIF and cringed. Later during the ceremony, Miguel was seen with Shah and there appeared to be no hard feelings.
Enter the lawyers.
Speaking on behalf of Shah, her lawyer, Vip Bola, has explained they will be suing over the incident, as since it happened, Shah has experienced cognitive issues, “Some of the difficulties she’s experiencing are cognitive in nature and lead to suspicion of a neurological head injury.”
They are currently pending test results from a neurologist. In the meantime, why don’t we watch the slo-mo version of the fail?
There has been no word from Miguel or his people since the awards ceremony.
WATCH: Miguel’s failed stage jump in slow motion
(Via SMH)