More Details On Bob Dylan’s New Album Revealed

A few weeks ago, Los Lobos multi-instrumentalist David Hidalgo revealed in an interview with the Aspen Times that he had been working with Dylan on his next album. Hidalgo, who played for Dylan’s two previous albums (Together Through Life and Christmas in the Heart) in 2009, spoke about Dylan’s liking for the instruments that Hidalgo was bringing to the album, and this gave us the impression that the new album might have a Mexican feel to it.

Now, according to fan website ISIS, a recent listening party at Sony has taken place, and although it hasn’t revealed any more details about the actual sound of the album as staff were “sworn to secrecy about what they heard”, some other details have managed to come from it. The album will have 10 tracks running at 68 minutes in length. There could be a couple of longer tracks, including be 14-minute long Titanic song, and a 9-minute long track as well, and the album is expected to be released by September (prior to the Grammy deadline and the run up to the holiday season).

This new information is of course unconfirmed, but it would be interesting to hear what this suspected Titanic song is all about, if it does exist. His last tour to Australia came last year, and included an appearance on the Bluesfest 2011 lineup. Hopefully we’ll see him out here again soon on his new album.

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