Morrissey Cross About Royal Wedding, Sad About Poly Styrene

Never one to tolerate being misunderstood, former Smiths singer Morrissey has taken the unusual step of issuing a statement to a fan website where he criticised the British media’s obsession with the royal wedding and lamented the lack of coverage given to the death of punk singer Poly Styrene.

Spinner reports that last week Morrissey gave a statement to the fan site True To You, in which he said the death of Poly Styrene was “all but ignored by the British television news media….”.

He also addressed a recent interview he gave on BBC radio show Front Row, saying his was in a “foul mood” throughout it. He said, “If my Front Row interview sounded chopped and cropped, that’s because it was… I had spoken fluently about the royal dreading, but an Iranian censorship confiscated all of my views.”

He went on to emphasise the loss of Poly Styrene whilst taking aim at the royal wedding’s frivolities: “Poly Styrene’s death was all but ignored by the British television news media, who instead rained hours and hours of blubbering praise onto Kate Middleton – a woman about whom nothing is known on a personal level. The message is clear: What you achieve in life means nothing compared to what you are born into.”

The disgruntled 51-year-old continued his rant, complaining that a new best-of album issued by EMI “has yet to tunnel its way into what we older types refer to as Record Shops six days after intended release.” The reason allegedy being because the “gallant HMV has yet to stock it.”

That Front Row interview was previously reported on these pages, where Morrissey, with typical wit, detailed his forthcoming autobiography.

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