Morrissey Says He “Officially Died For 9 Minutes”, Other Insane Things In New Interview

Yes folks, it’s time for another instalment of ‘Morrissey Says The Darndest Things’, with the noted shit-stirrer and sayer of things that make you go “Whhaaaaaa?”, revealing some juicy new tidbits about the life of Moz in a recent interview with Alternative Nation, amongst them: that he totally died once. Nbd.

The former The Smiths frontman, who was just in the country for Vivid LIVE, is known for his un-filtered delivery of, shall we say, strong opinions with his most recent thought-dump calling out non-vegetarians as being akin to pedophiles, and in true Morrissey fashion, has much to say in the new interview in addition to his revelation that during a bout of hectic food poisoning in Peru two years ago he “officially died for nine minutes. That was fun.​”

He’s also got some choice words for President Obama saying that in light of the recent civil unrest in such cities as Ferguson, that he “he doesn’t appear to support black people when they need it most.” and “seems to be white inside.”


Orright m8, time for a warm milk and lie-down, don’t you think? There’s a good Morrissey. Shhhhh, Morrissey, Shhhhhhh. You can check out the full interview, where he also confirms that Brandon Flowers from The Killers stalked the shit out his hotel one time, here. #GoodTimes

Watch: Morrissey – Suedehead

Morrissey - Suedehead

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