Most of the time, music-loving punters from the Cenny C will have to travel down the M1 to Sydney if they want to hit up a quality live music event (not to mention brave the killer 1.45am train slog home or – worse – face a 3-hour wait in the cold, locked-out city for the next one #beenthere).
But now, y’all won’t have to venture further afield than Terrigal’s iconic Beery, because beloved annual boutique festival Mountain Sounds is branching out to launch a series of tours, shows, events and parties there on the mother flippin’ reg.
Eat your fkn heart out Sydneysiders, because Mountain Sounds Presents is kicking off with a three huge Beery bashes in the space of three months, featuring performances from Aussie heavyweights Alpine, Motez and Tkay Maidza.
Taking place on Friday 5th August, Friday 16th September and Saturday 1st October respectively, the shows will usher in exciting new future for the Central Coast/Tezza as a live music destination (all day errday as opposed to just a coupla times a year).
The shows will operate in addition to the annual Mountain Sounds festival, which is set to return in 2017.
In other news, maybe those lucky schmucks in Sydney will have to start schlepping to the Cen for once in their lives.
Catch the red hot deets for the first three Mountain Sounds Presents events below, and stay tuned for more TBA!
Listen: Alpine – Crunches
Friday, 5th August – ALPINE
The Beery, Terrigal
Tickets: Mountain Sounds
Friday, 16th September – MOTEZ
The Beery, Terrigal
Tickets: Mountain Sounds
Saturday, 1st October – TKAY MAIDZA
The Beery, Terrigal
Tickets: Mountain Sounds