Image Via Facebook / Mountain Sounds

The Mountain Sounds Festival Set Times Are Here

Mountain Sounds Festival is taking over Mount Penang Parkland on the Central Coast next weekend and they have delivered the timetable so you can get planning.

The festival is spread over five different stages with Violent Soho, Art Vs. Science, Ocean Alley, Snillum and Set Mo each headlining one of them.

Starting at midday, you better prepare for a pretty jam-packed day with a bunch of Aussie talent playing alongside a few international names including The Strokes’ Albert Hammond Jr. and UK producer Jack Beats.

In terms of clashes there are a few hard decisions to make, like whether you’re going to boogie with Nina Las Vegas or thrash about with The Delta Riggs. You’ll also have to decide whether you’re going to just watch Art Vs. Science or stick it out at the main stage for Hammond Jr. and Violent Soho. The choice is yours.

Along with the festival timetable they have also dropped the map so you don’t get lost and waste precious music time in the wrong place.

You can peep the map and timetable below.

Mountain Sounds Timetable

Mountain Sounds Sitemap
MSF 2016 Patron map-v4

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