Mumford And Sons Writing New Tunes – A Cross Between Elton John And The National

Mumford and Sons are making hay while the sun shines. With fans still very much basking in the glow of the band’s second album Babel, released in September, Mumford and Sons are already tinkering away at new material for their third album.

As reported by DIY, Mumford and Sons bassist Ted Dwane’s description of what fans can expect certainly raises an eyebrow of curiosity and earns a head-tilt of anticipation. Dwane told DIY that the new tracks sound like, “Glory-days Elton John, a bit like The National, and a bit like the Band, without doing either of them justice.”

Meanwhile, the band’s banjo player slayer, Winston Marshall, added that the band will be getting into the recording studio on a regular basis to flesh out the new tunes.

“We’ve started working on new songs, got a rehearsal studio – we’re going to do that more often – got a few new tunes out of it. It was great, sounds really cool. They’re bones [of songs] but really exciting bones. Sturdy bones,” Marshall said.

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