Music Feeds Call Out for Writers!

Hey there all you varyingly sexy people, in a effort to try and secure as wide a representation of opinions on the site as possible we here at MF have decided to once again throw out our media nets and hopefully snare a few passionate and enthusiastic music fans who we can exploit for their views.

You get to work with the Hunk a Spunk
You get to work with the Hunk-O-Spunk

We’re looking for a columnists for Hip Hop, Metal, Jazz, DnB, Dubstep, Indie, Prog, Psychedelic, Dance & Electro, Electronica and Ambient, as well as anything else you can really poke a stick at (Can I also make a call out for anyone who would want to write a technology column, not limited to but preferably music related [Tobes]).

What this would entail is a somewhat fortnightly submission of writing about new albums, gigs you’ve seen, forgotten artists who deserve recognition as well as anything else you think the intellectually deluded populace of the Internet might fancy a gander at.

If you’re interested please contact us via

And remember anyone can be a writer, all you need is an opinion.


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