Music Feeds presents “Cabin Fever Goes Mental” – 24th October

With the state of the world slowly spiraling it’s way to damnation amidst the rotting and decay of the human race, Cabin Fever has gone a little bit mental and got local super-group Fashion Launches Rocket Launches to come down and treat us all to their twisted brand of improvised kraut.

Joining FLRL in the storming of sanity’s barricades are urban legends Piano Is Drunk, spaced out duo Domeyko & Gonzalez, the twisted forest of Shady Trees and the solid booster pack of One Jonathan.

Also jumping on this clinically unhinged bandwagon are Monk Fly, MoR and BFG, who’ll be flooding the Abercrombie with bass-laden fat future beats to keep you rocking in your socks till 3am.

Is that it?! Can we make this night even better? YES WE CAN! The cherry on the icing on the Moroccan hashcake, FREE BURGERS!

$10 entry at the door entitles patrons access to the wonderful world of insanity that is Cabin Fever.

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