Ne Obliviscaris Drummer Quits $150,000 A Year Job To Focus On Heavy Metal

In probably the most metal move ever, Ne Obliviscaris’s Dan Presland has (politely) told his boss to make like a drummer and stick it, officially quitting his six-figure job as a train driver.

The Aussie extreme metallers’ resident beatman posted a snapshot of his letter of resignation on social media, explaining that the full-time position, though lucrative, was standing in the way of his touring commitments.

“I just resigned from a six figure career to pursue music 100%” he informed followers. “Goodbye safety net, hello freedom! Money comes and goes but opportunities don’t. Time to make some music #resign #resigned #iquit #neobliviscaris #drumsforaliving #striveforgreatness”

NeO famously smashed a crowd-funding record last year, raising $86,000 Australian dollarydoos to embark on a full world tour.

It seems the only thing standing in the way was Presland’s day job, which wouldn’t let him take the required time off to spread the good word of metal across the globe.

Trapped in a tug-o-war between the real world and his starry-eyed heavy metal dreams, Presland swiftly chucked in his $150,000 a year paycheck like it wasn’t even a thing.

Despite NeO’s rep as one of the biggest and most successful heavy metal acts in Australia, Presland has also revealed that – sadly, not very surprisingly – their musical pursuits have yet to make them any money.

“Many people think that NeO are already doing really well financially, and everyone is making an income from touring/merch sales, when in fact none of us have been paid a cent…” he tells Metal Sucks.

“However we know the only way to make this band our ‘career’ is to go all in and take the risk head on. Money comes and goes, but opportunities don’t”.

Presland has also revealed that in fact only one member of NeO still has a full time job – guitarist Matt Klavins, who managed to keep his role by applying for long service leave. The rest of the fellas also lost their primary jobs to focus on the big tour.

And after spending the bulk of 2015 playing venues across Asia and Europe, where they also spent a month supporting Cradle of Filth, NeO are now set to come back to Australia to tour off their latest album, Citadel.

Catch them at venues across the country this December.

Gallery: Ne Obliviscaris @ Soundwave 2015, Melbourne / Photos by Brett Schewitz

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