New Social Media App Promises Round-The-Clock Updates On Chris Brown’s Fascinating Life

Chris Brown has released his own app giving fans a direct line into his life. The Chris Brown Channel App offers users the slightly terrifying prospect of authentic, unfiltered access to Chris Brown, promising to bring fans into his world 24/7 with round-the-clock up-to-date details on his actions and whereabouts.

Downloading the free app will give you the chance to receive a “one-of-a-kind, Chris Brown-endorsed experience”. The Chris Brown Channel App will allow you to witness the A-list lifestyle of “pop prince” Chris Brown in real-time, aggregating all of the man’s social media activity as well as the addition on exclusive content and features like online polls.

The polarising performer is totes pumped to open up his life to fans:

“I am so excited to get closer to my fans – to bring them into my world, hearing from me directly, in my own words wherever I am, whenever they want. Through my channel app they can be part of my music, my art and my life, day in and day out.”

The idea of having Chris Brown as the face of a social media-driven product is a dubious proposition at best, given Brown’s history of cyber-bullying, tantrum-throwing and abusive online behaviour. Constantly XTL online, the final straw for Brown seemingly came after he launched a Twitter tirade against comedy writer Jenny Johnson last year when she openly questioned his reputation, after Brown infamously assaulted ex-partner Rihanna in 2009. The backlash from the exchange led to Brown completely deleting his Twitter account, though it was later reactivated.

Another Twitter terror, Azealia Banks, recently relinquished control of her account after a plethora of similar heated and tweeted exchanges.

(via The Guardian)

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