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It’s Official – Jack & Coke Shall Henceforth Be Known As ‘The Lemmy’

“Give me three Lemmy’s on the rocks mate”, you’ll be hollering at your local bar-keep from this day forth.

Because the humble Jack & coke has just been officially re-dubbed “The Lemmy”.

After Lemmy Kilmister passed away suddenly at the age of 70 just a few days after Christmas, fans rushed to honour the iconic Motörhead frontman in the most eternal way possible – by naming a bunch of cool shit after him.

For instance, one petition called for a newly discovered metal element to be re-named Lemmium (results still pending), while another pushed for the singer’s beverage of choice – Jack Daniels – to be given a splash of Coca-Cola and re-christened “The Lemmy”.

And the latter campaign seems to have paid off.

Food and Beverage Magazine have just made the new name official in the latest edition of their international eats rag.

“We are honored to represent the industry and bring the moniker, ‘The Lemmy’ to every bar in the world!”, the magazine’s publisher, Michael Politz, announced. “Owning a rock club with Anthrax’s Scott Ian and Alice In Chains’ Jerry Cantrell gave me the chance to meet Lemmy and experience his legend myself.”

What a guy.

The “official” renaming of the bevoir came after a petition garnered over 40,000 signatures.

Cheers to that.

Gallery: 13 Photos Of Lemmy At His Most Badass

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