One Direction’s Liam Payne Drops Teaser of New Material On Instagram

One Direction continue to strike out on separate trajectories as former One D-er Liam Payne shares what appears to be a teaser of new material via insagram. With the massive boy band currently on a hiatus that is rumoured to be permanent, Payne decided to use the downtime to give us a snippet of what he’s been working on.

Taking the heart throb away from the plastic pop of One Direction and toward more hip hop and r’n’b inspired fare, the “Little Song I wrote for fun yesterday” as Payne describes it is sure to set the loins of many ablaze.

Seemingly a completely different person to the Liam we knew in 1-D (i.e. not a plastic haired tween-bait candy cane) you can watch the video here.

Little Song I wrote for fun yesterday

A video posted by Liam Payne (@fakeliampayne) on

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