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Paul McCartney Has Made Audio Emojis And They’re Baffling

Paul McCartney is responsible for writing some of the greatest songs of all time with The Beatles but now he’s attempting to make waves in the 21st century by making audible emojis.

Confused about what audible emojis are? Us too, but Sir Paul is here to explain it for us.

Basically, audible emojis are just emojis that make noise. He was asked by Skype to put music to some emojis (or mojis as Skype calls them) that they made for Valentines Day. Admitting that at first he thought, “hmmm, strange proposition,” Sir Paul then decided, what the heck, “it’s something fun, something nice and new.”

According to Skype, “Paul genuinely loves Skype,” which is an interesting thing to be in love with, but to be fair he’s done a good job. The music he crafted to go with a turtle making love to its shell is particularly impressive.

The soundbites are no Hey Jude, but they’re a little bit of fun and available on the new version of Skype. Or if you’re not as in love with Skype as Sir Paul is, you can just watch him in the studio working on the sounds below.

Watch: Skype and Sir Paul McCartney help you share the love

Skype and Sir Paul McCartney help you share the love

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