Pirate Release New Video For ‘In The Balance’

Sydney-based experimental rock group Pirate have released a new video for their track In The Balance, taken from their debut album Left Of Mind.

Directed by Paul Cook of POP Films, it was filmed at Sydney’s Troy Horse studio, with an array of visual effects and lighting.

Reflecting the minimalist nature of the track, the video is suitably stripped-back.

Pirate have toured their fiercely experimental avante-garde rock since the release of Left Of Mind, including supports for FloatingMe, sleepmakeswaves and Sydonia, as well as featuring on both Sydney and Melbourne Progfest events and headlining their own club shows.

They will cap off the year on the Bird’s Robe label showcase tour, taking in the Annandale Hotel in Sydney on Dec 22nd and Curtin Bandroom in Melbourne on Dec 23rd, alongside sleepmakeswaves, Meniscus and Toehider.

Left of Mind is available now from www.birdsrobe.bandcamp.com (Australia/US) or www.justforkicks.de (Europe)

Watch: Pirate – In The Balance

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