Posse.com is offering a double pass to Big Day Out 2013 in each city the festival visits, which means you and a friend (or foe, it’s your choice) could be off to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who are exclusively playing the BDO, along with The Killers, Vampire Weekend, Alabama Shakes and Childish Gambino, plus many more quality local and international acts for free.
To enter simply sign up to Posse before September 26, 2012. In case you’re wondering what Posse is all about, it’s a social media site and app that allows you to highlight your favourite haunts around the country and share them with your friends. Likewise, you can check out where your friends have been and finally work out just where the hell that crazy backpackers with free pint refills is, (it’s in Melbourne).
Essentially Posse is a way of promoting businesses you believe in via virtual word of mouth by creating your own street that includes all the restaurants, pubs, clubs and venues you dig hanging out at. Posse, like Spotify, works in conjunction with Facebook and helps you stay abreast of where’s hip in town while assisting in the continual over-documentation of our generation.