Splendour In The Grass 2016 / Photo: Maria Boyadgis

Punters Are Having More Sex At Splendour In The Grass Than Any Other Aussie Music Festival, Study Finds

It turns out there’s more than just Splendour going on in the grass…

A new study has found that punters are getting down and dirty more often at SITG than any other Aussie festival, with 6.1% of respondents confessing to boning down at the Byron Bay bash.

Commissioned by sex toy company Lovehoney, the survey quizzed 1,000 festival-goers to find out their horizontal habits on site, and to no surprise it discovered that you’re all a bunch of freakin’ nymphos.

A girthy 37.6% of you confessed to getting frisky at festivals – while 4.5% have had sex with a total stranger and 1.3% have been in a threesome. And it seems that festies also put Aussies in something of an experimental mood, with 42.7% being more likely to try new things sexually at the festival site, and 8.8% even packing sex toys along with their beer bongs, goon sacks and other festival essentials.

The car topped the list of locations for riding the express train to tingle town with 27% voting it their #1 place to get their rocks off mid-festival, while an adventurous 11.6% have chosen a quiet patch of grass to do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.

Meanwhile, ARIA Award serial winner Flume can add another prize to his poolroom, coming first (like many a selfish lover) as the summer headliner whose music is most likely to leave punters Sleepless (ayoooo!) with 24.7% voting him there. While the newly renamed Nick Murphy (FKA Chet Faker) arrived second with a score of just 15.8%.

Despite this result, dance music (20%) came second to rock music (22.7%) as the best genre to knock boots to at an Aussie music festival.

Meanwhile, 10.3% of you grots maintain that you’d still have consider having sex five days into a shower-less festival #utterfilth.

Happy festival season everyone.


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