Purple Sneakers This Week: 19th June 2009

It’s that time of the month again when Purple Sneakers and Remote Control jump into bed for another Party Extravaganza! This time we are teaming up to help FBI raise some much needed funds.

I am sure you have all heard about the problems FBI 94.5 are facing at the moment. FBI is Australia’s largest community broadcaster and because of this they have the highest running costs of any community broadcaster. Thankfully tonnes of people have gotten behind them to raise the much needed funds.

All of us here at Purple Sneakers and Remote Control understand the importance of keeping the station running so we have decided to run a fundraising event of our own. So this Friday we are putting on a huge event starting with LIVE PERFORMANCES by PAPA vs PRETTY and DEEP SEA ARCADE. Then later in the evening we have DJ sets form WOLF & CUB, FBI DJs and the PURPLE SNEAKERS DJs.

We are doing something a little different – for this week only entry will be $11 – so for every extra dollar YOU pay, we will match it with $1 out of our pockets!

This week we are stoked to be launching the hot new album from Wolf & Cub – ‘Science & Sorcery’ thanks to our friends at Remote Control. The night will also host Wolf & Cubs official after party. Check the website – http://www.boundarysounds.com to be in the running to win a signed copy of the new album!

P.S Check out the Secret Purple Sneakers on Music Feeds for Vids + Party Pics http://musicfeeds.staging.vip.gnmedia.net/purplesneakers

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