Purple Sneakers This Week: 5th June 2009

It’s funny how one minute music can make you happy and the next it can make you sad. The same can be said for Purple Sneakers, one minute it can make you so happy because your favourite song is on, the next it can make you sad when the person you were pashing decides to make out with the person next to you instead.

Same thing goes for our guest DJs this week. They made you sad because they had to go overseas to record their new album but they will make you very, very happy because they are going to celebrate their return with their very first DJ set back in the country at Purple Sneakers. That’s right, the Lost Valentinos DJs aka SVU will be our special guests this week supported by the very lovely NIC YORKE. I think Purple Sneakers DJs PhDJ, NICK FINDLAY, M.I.T and BEN LUCID will be there, however it all depends on how hung over they are after playing the first date of their national tour.

This week we are stoked to be launching the hot new album from Placebo – ‘Battle For The Sun’ thanks to our friends at Shock. Check the website – http://www.boundarysounds.com for giveaways and articles.

Don’t Forget Purple Sneakers Happy Hour is from 7pm – 9pm every Friday! $10 Jugs of Coopers Lager and $3 glasses of Champagne.
7pm till waaaay late! $10

*Your new favourite late night indie club!*

P.S Check out the Secret Purple Sneakers on Music Feeds http://musicfeeds.staging.vip.gnmedia.net/purplesneakers

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