Pussy Riot Send Out Thank You Video To Supporters

Some of the remaining members of the Pussy Riot collective have today sent through a thank you message to everyone who has shown support, but have used the short 1:15 clip to make it clear that they have no plans on stopping their campaign anytime soon.

The clip, which is being hosted exclusively through NME, is probably one of the most Russian things I’ve ever seen. As the masked protesters rappel down the face of a building, they state that “we’ve been fighting for the right to sing, to think, to criticise…To be musicians and artists ready to do everything to change our country, no matter the risks. We go on with our musical fight in Russia, and our country is dominated by evil man.”

The members then name-check some of the bigger stars who have shown support to their plight: “Thank you Madonna, thank you Red Hot Chili Peppers, thank you Bjork, thank you Green Day.” However, the band were also sure to give “all musicians, activists and everyone around the world who have stood up together to fight for our right to be free” a shout out also.

Three members of the collective remain behind bars, while some of their comrades remain on the run. Russian authorities seem unrelenting in their decision to persecute the group for what was deemed hooliganism, regardless of the international support shown for their cause.

Check out the video over here.

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