Queen Say Freddie Mercury Material May Be Released As New Album

During a recent interview with iHeart Radio, Queen guitarist Brian May has revealed that, upon wading through unreleased material from the departed Freddie Mercury, he and his fellow bandmates have discovered enough tunes to potentially fill a full-length album.

This would be the first original material to be heard from Mercury since 1995’s Made In Heaven, but rather than being a mix of recordings, the material may very well lead to a cohesive LP:

“Just a couple of weeks ago, we thought: Maybe we shouldn’t be just working on bits and pieces? Maybe we should be heading towards an album? It just might be.”

As May explains, recent breakthroughs have resulted in the band learning of material and being able to source it. After all these years, the rock star’s memory isn’t what it used to be and, evidently, much of this material were tracks they simply forgot about:

“We thought we’d exhausted everything that was around and could be worked on, but since then a number of things have come to light from various sources that we’d just plain forgotten about, including the stuff with Freddie and Michael Jackson.”

Oh, yeah, just that one time two of the greatest singers of all time made music together. That particular track is believed to be the rumoured collaboration between the two titled Victory.

Other tracks on the potential album could include features from David Bowie, The Bee Gee’s Andy Gibb and Rod Stewart.

(Via Music News)

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