Radiohead Have Announced A Global Streaming Event But Australia Isn’t Invited

Radiohead have announced a mysterious global streaming day for record stores all around the world except Australia has been left off the list.

The event, due to take place next weekend on 17th June, “FEATURES AN EXCLUSIVE DAY LONG AUDIO STREAM FROM THE BAND, COMPETITIONS, INSTRUCTIONAL ARTWORKS AND MORE,” according to the event’s website. It’s been titled Live From A Moon Shaped Pool.

It comes just over a month after the release of their latest album A Moon Shaped Pool and will surely have something to do with it. Since the release of the record they have slowly been releasing artist interpretation videos for each song, consistently keeping fans excited with extra bits and pieces.

On the site, you can look at the record stores that will be hosting the streaming event and they are plotted throughout Canada, UK, USA, Korea, South Africa and more. Even New Zealand has several stores that will be participating but oddly Australia has been completely left off.

It’s yet to be seen whether this is the final list of stores but it seems odd that we wouldn’t be invited when even New Zealand copped an invite.

There are most likely more details to come but in true Radiohead fashion, it’s all very mysterious at the moment.

UPDATE 14/06/2016: A slew of Australian record stores across Victoria, NSW and Queensland have been added to the list of party hubs set to participate in the event.

UPDATE 15/06/16: More details have emerged about this week’s streaming event.

Watch: Radiohead – Burn The Witch
Radiohead - Burn The Witch

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