Refused Reunion Tour To Wrap Up Mid-December, Announce Final Hometown Show

It was one of the most anticipated reunions of the whole bunch, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end. Swedish punk rockers Refused have now announced their last and final show of their recent reunion tour, to take place at their hometown of Umeå, Sweden.

The news came with a bit of a statement from the band (Via Facebook) who have used the opportunity to explain their story somewhat and the premise to their reunion. Their statement tells the tale of “when you were 15 and pissed off and everyone thought you were a loser and you ran around with the other weirdos” as a description of the climate when the band formed, and as well explains: “those years when the ideas you’d clung to through late adolescence were beginning to ring hollow and you got more and more confused and destructive and the band broke up and you had rent to pay.”

The next extract from the statement really sums up the band’s motivation behind reforming:

“And then there was the year when you stopped being a petulant kid and you got your favorite musicians together in a room again and decided that you were gonna accept the love of thousands of listeners, accept the success that was waiting there to be had and just in general enjoy being appreciated for the exact same qualities that made you a freak to your contemporaries in your teens. This was one of the better years.”

They added: “the hatchet is buried, 1998 is not such a terrible memory for us anymore. We’re going home. And we’re doing it in style.” The band will be performing at the Exel arena December 15th with fellow countrymen Randy, Two White Horses, and Råd Kjetil Senza Testa.

Now, just in case you’d forgotten, Australia won’t be missing out for once! Refused will be touching down on Aussie soil early November.

Refused signed off with a thank you to fans “for populating the pit in 2012”

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