Rodrigo Y Gabriela Announce New Album ‘9 Dead Alive’

Mexican acoustic rock notables Rodrigo Y Gabriela have returned with their latest full-length studio effort, 9 Dead Alive, a beacon of warm summer days recorded at the pair’s Pacific Coast hideaway in in Ixtapa, Mexico and boasting nine new songs recorded and self-produced by the duo.

On the album, which was mixed by Andrew Scheps (Black Sabbath, Metallica, Lana Del Rey) in Los Angeles, Rodrigo y Gabriela play face-to-face, pitting guitar against guitar, forging an album that is brimming with passion and energy expressed in melodic flourishes and creative rhythms.

Each song on 9 Dead Alive celebrates an individual who has passed on, but whose actions and words resonate today, going as far back as Eleanor of Acquitaine (1122 – 1204). This turns the album into an exploration of Rodrigo Y Gabriela’s passion for human rights, literature, and history.

The pair’s last LP was 2009’s 11:11, whose recording was followed by work on the soundtracks for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Shores and Puss N’ Boots and the collaborative effort, Area 52. It is slated for release through Warner Music Australia on Friday, 25th April.

Cover: Rodrigo Y Gabriela – 9 Dead Alive

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Rodrigo Y Gabriela – 9 Dead Alive Tracklisting

1. The Soundmaker (Antonio de Torres Jurado: 1817 – 1892)
2. Torito (animals and nature)
3. Sunday Neurosis (Viktor Frankl: 1905 – 1997)
4. Misty Moses (Harriet Tubman: 1820 – 1913)
5. Somnium (Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: 1651 – 1695)
6. Fram (Fridtjof Nansen: 1861 – 1930)
7. Megalopolis (Gabriela Mistral: 1889 – 1957)
8. The Russian Messenger (Fyodor Dostoyevsky: 1821 – 1881)
9. La Salle Des Pas Perdus (Eleanor of Acquitane: 11-22 – 1204)

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