Santigold Claims She Foresaw 9/11

Santigold has just released (April 24th) her second album Master of My Make-Believe four years on from her hugely successful debut album Santogold, which was released in April 2008.

In an interview with Music Feeds promoting her new album, Santigold claims she foresaw the 9/11 World Trade Center plane crash in a dream, years before the tragedy eventuated:

“I had a dream in 1998 about planes crashing into the World Trade Centre…I saw the whole thing in my dream and I wrote it in my journal.”

She also spoke about the problems going on in the world, which influenced the theme of Master of My Make-Believe:

“I’m a little baffled by the state of things now. I think it’s not in a good place, we’re in a dangerous time…as I see things I’m compelled to write about my perspective and my perspective is that we’re kinda in a critical time. There were dead birds falling out of the sky with no explanation and dead fish washing up on the shore…there’s oil spills, there’s nuclear explosions polluting all over the world and clean water crisis.”

You can listen to the full interview here.

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