UPDATE: The third Soundwave 2014 lineup announcement has finally dropped — full details here!
The Sevendust vs. AJ Maddah saga seems far from over as this morning the Soundwave 2014 promoter engaged in a Twitter war of words with the lead singer’s wife, after the heavy metal act explained via Facebook the circumstances surrounding their decision to pull out of Soundwave 2014.
Sevendust guitarist John Connolly took to Facebook a day ago to respond to AJ Maddah’s barrage of tweets labelling Sevendust as “pissweak” and “terrorists” for pulling out of Soundwave 2014 due to a dispute over money.
Connolly hit back, writing that the band were asking for help with the costs of travelling to Australia and alleged that they have yet to speak with Maddah personally about the dispute. “We asked for help with the travel costs and explained that we were in a really tight spot and might have to cancel if we couldn’t figure it out,” he wrote. “AJ responded, with : “No more money….you’re cancelled”. I have the actual email in front of me…”
In the post, which you can read in full below, Connolly also implied that Maddah’s reaction forced their cancellation, saying they had contingency plans to tour Australia anyway. “The ironic part is we actually did have a backup plan to come over anyways,” he explained. “but in this case he never even let us offer up a possible alternative solution…….which we had and still do……”
The Sevendust guitarist apologised to fans for the way events have unfolded but reiterated that, despite Maddah’s claims to the contrary, the decision to cancel was not theirs, “Im deeply sorry to all of our fans. This was really not our call,” he wrote.
Maddah was not content with letting sleeping dogs lie, emphasising in an early morning Twitter conversation that the band “held a gun to his head”, threatening cancellation if they weren’t given more money. “They said give us a load more money or we’ll cancel. I don’t believe it came w a question mark,” he tweeted.
The twitter battle escalated quickly when it was revealed that Ashley Witherspoon, the wife of Sevendust lead singer Lajon Witherspoon, had joined the conversation. “So the band hides behind the singer’s wife! That’s priceless!,” wrote Maddah. To which Witherspooon responded, “they aren’t hiding!”
The two then went head to head in a brutal crossfire of tweets, which you can read below, each blaming the other for the events that unfolded. Maddah inundated Witherspooon with a series of tweets outlining the non-refundable expenses, like Visa fees and flights, that he’s been left with. Adding, “But more than any of those it is a tone of give us more money or we’ll cancel.”
The bitter turn this saga has taken suggests it may be a while before Australian stages will host a Sevendust gig, with Maddah clearly announcing he will not work with the band again, “they have now done this to me 3 times at considerable cost and as such I choose not to work w them again.”
@iamnotshouting Are they going to comeback to soundwave for next year ??
— Christopher Jung (@ItsChris1998) January 10, 2014
@ItsChris1998 Nope. This is the 3rd time they have cancelled on me. Enough is enough.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 10, 2014
@iamnotshouting @ItsChris1998 really they cancelled?
— Ashley Witherspoon (@ashleysevileyez) January 10, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @iamnotshouting @ItsChris1998 John says they didn't cancel, they asked a question and pretty much got dropped.
— Michael Tesoriero (@MikeT_0683) January 12, 2014
@MikeT_0683 @ashleysevileyez @ItsChris1998 They said give us a load more money or we'll cancel. I don't believe it came w a question mark.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@lebowski77 @ashleysevileyez I wouldn't be involved either way. They have now cancelled 3 Australian tours w me and 1 w Frontier. No more.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@iamnotshouting @lebowski77 @ashleysevileyez out of curiosity, what were the other two tours? I can only remember A7X.
— Viva La Pluto! (@RobIsDeafening) January 12, 2014
@RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 @ashleysevileyez They cancelled another SW. Also a headline tour about 15 yrs ago,
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@iamnotshouting @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 15 years ago! Really? stop this bashing and let's be professional please!
— Ashley Witherspoon (@ashleysevileyez) January 12, 2014
When people talk crap because they didn't get their wayIsn't that called childish? We teach our 5year oldto not do that why do grown people?
— Ashley Witherspoon (@ashleysevileyez) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 Good on ya. Confirming a show, contracting and then holding gun to promoter's head is super pro
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 Specially when it's the 3rd time on the same trick.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 Oh, hang on, you're not even in Australia. Related to the super professional band are you?
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@iamnotshouting @ashleysevileyez @lebowski77 Lead singer's wife, I think?
— Viva La Pluto! (@RobIsDeafening) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 That's awesome. So the band hides behind the singer's wife! That's priceless!
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@RobIsDeafening @ashleysevileyez @lebowski77 Oh well. I am sure Jesus approves of breaking contracts all over the place
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@iamnotshouting @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 they aren't hiding!
— Ashley Witherspoon (@ashleysevileyez) January 12, 2014
@iamnotshouting @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 no they would love to be there. Sorry but they wouldn't try to not go.
— Ashley Witherspoon (@ashleysevileyez) January 12, 2014
@iamnotshouting @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 they can't come over to y'all things happen they aren't talking bad but you are! Why?
— Ashley Witherspoon (@ashleysevileyez) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 I had this conversation w your agent and told him do not confirm unless you are certain.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 It costs approx $4000 to apply for visas and it is non refundable.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 There are flights booked in theri names which are non refundable.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 There are posters and promotional material we have had to pulp.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 But more than any of those it is a tone of give us more money or we'll cancel.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@iamnotshouting @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 pretty upsetting for me because all of them LoVE it there and the family they have made
— Ashley Witherspoon (@ashleysevileyez) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 And why the fuck would the band talk bad about me when I am the one who got fucked over?
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 All I have ever done is support the band in this territory, promote them & look after them.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 Because your band broke contract. wq no regard to how it effects their team or fans down here
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 If you do not understand that you are the party at fault here then you're dumber than you look
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 Good. I look forward to getting reimbursed for all the non refundable costs you have incurred.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 Also, maybe it is time to get a professional manager.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@wookii11 @ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 No mate. If I fucked someone over she would not. She would be apologizing.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@wookii11 @ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 In all of this, did you see 1 single fucking apology?
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@wookii11 Nope. Nothing is getting blown up. I have no animosity toward the band. They're just disorganized & do not keep their word.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@wookii11 They have now done this to me 3 times at considerable cost and as such I choose not to work w them again.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@wookii11 For the record I love the band too. I wouldn't have kept taking them back otherwise.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014
@ashleysevileyez @RobIsDeafening @lebowski77 Just so you know, 15 years ago when they didn't show I had to sell my car to cover the losses.
— AJ (@iamnotshouting) January 12, 2014