One of the main draw cards for Harvest 2012, Sigur Rós, have issued an apology to fans via their website for their set at Bestival 2012, which, according to the band and Pitchfork, was hampered due to being pushed forward time wise.
Apparently the ‘expansive demands’ of headlining act Stevie Wonder forced Sigur Rós to perform before dark and thus rendered their onstage theatrics, which are bolstered by the night sky, less effective. This coupled with numerous technical problems meant Sigur Rós were unable to perform to the peak of their abilities.
Sigur Rós deemed the set so bad, in fact, that the band kept the footage from being broadcast online as part of Bestival’s official webcast coverage. Hopefully things run more smoothly for the Icelandic four-piece when they visit Australian in November.
Read: Sigur Rós Apology to Fans
sigur rós would like to apologise to anyone disappointed not to see the band’s bestival performance live online last night. early in the day a decision had been made to delay broadcast till after the show to give the band a chance to review the footage ahead of webcast, since they were dismayed that their guaranteed “darkness” slot had been pushed into daylight by the expansive demands of the headliner. the band’s only uk show of the year, this would-be highlight of the 2012 calendar, would have to be conducted without proper lights or visuals. sadly then, a perfect storm of production issues and technical problems conspired to mean that the band went on to have a thoroughly miserable experience on stage too. and to spare everyone’s blushes a decision was made to draw a discrete veil over proceedings. sorry, but we can be so much better than what you missed. another time, for sure.