Slayer’s Kerry King Is A “Douchebag” Says Ministry Frontman Al Jourgensen

Ministry frontman Al Jourgensen is proving to be more and more of a mad dog by the minute. First he tricks Tool into taking acid, now he’s placed Slayer guitarist Kerry King in his crosshairs, labelling him a “douchebag” in a recent interview.

Speaking to Gauntlet, Jourgensen confirmed what many of us already thought, citing first-hand knowledge of King’s douchebaggery. During the interview, Jourgensen recalled an instance when King invited himself backstage into Ministry’s dressing room, before helping himself to the band’s rider and, instead of thanking them, began ripping them to shreds:

“Well, he came back stage after we played at Disney World at the House of Blues…he came back stage, drank our beer, ate our food, and then told me that Mikey [Scaccia] is a shitty guitar player and that we sucked, and that we’ll never be Slayer … and that we shouldn’t try. I mean, what a douchebag, to come back to somebody’s dressing room, drink their beer, eat their food and then tell them that they’re a bunch of douchebags. Why would you want to go back there unless you are an asshole?”

Jourgensen had nothing bad to say about the other members of Slayer, going as far as to call former drummer Dave Lombardo his friend. He wasn’t able to look past King’s massive ego, though, and couldn’t understand why he randomly decided to talk shit on now-deceased, thoroughly respected guitarist Scaccia:

“What kind of egocentric thinking is going on in that person’s mind? Especially Mike Scaccia, who is one of the greatest guitar players of all time… Unbiasedly, if you listen to his work you cannot say he’s not in the top five.”

Jourgensen is currently doing the press rounds following the release of an official biography, as well as plugging the release of Ministry’s upcoming and most likely final album From Beer To Eternity

(Via Ultimate Guitar)

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