Smash Mouth Just Gave Alex Lahey A Shout-Out On Twitter, And The Banter Is A+

In the most random and amazing thing to go down on the internet today, Smash Mouth have used their legendary Twitter account to give a shoutout to none other than Aussie singer-songwriter Alex Lahey.

Apparently they’ve been listening to her new album I Love You Like A Brother, and reckon she’s a bit of an ~ all-star ~.

Eh? EH?

Anyway, not letting the opportunity pass her by, Lahey was quick to respond. In the BEST way possible.

Yep, that’s homegirl not missing a beat and diving head-first into the Shrek-themed banter that still dominates the ’90s memelords’ Twitter account.

And needless to say, the internet is fkn DEAD.

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We’re definitely believers — not a trace of doubt in our mind — but Alex still can’t believe it…

You can catch Alex Lahey on tour in support of her Smash Mouth-approved debut album this October.

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