If It’s On Soundcloud, You Can Put It On Vinyl Thanks To A New Service

Only a few years ago, there was hardware to transfer vinyl tracks to mp3 and now it looks as if technology is heading back in the other direction with a new service to transfer mp3s to vinyl.

As reported by FACTmag, through a new service Vinylize.it you’ll be able to pick tracks or full playlists off Soundcloud and rally support for them to be pressed to vinyl. Once you’ve received support and approval from the artists the record will be pressed with vinyl ready audio files.

The pressing will be handled by Qrates, an already established service which aims to make it easier for small labels to press smaller quantities of vinyl. It’s a crowd-funded scheme which sees labels ask for pledges as pre-orders and when enough copies are ordered, Qrates manufactures them.

Vinylize.it will also let labels know what the demand is for their track or artist so they can create their own projects based off that.

It hasn’t launched yet but if you’re keen on being one of the first to try it out you can head to the website and sign up.

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