Soundwave 2013 – Brisbane Signing Tent!

Hey Brisbane Soundwave punters – want to meet some of your favourite acts today?
Well, you can do just that down at the super-special Soundwave signing tent, which opens up in about an hour and a half.

Around 20 of the acts from today’s huge opening leg of the festival will be taking time out to scribble on whatever you like – CD’s, shirts, flyers…or whatever else you can get your hands on.

If you’re lucky, you might get a photo with them too – but we’re not sure whether pics will be allowed or not due to time restraints for each act.

Anyway, check out the timetable at the bottom of the page – there’s four different tables that will have acts hanging out at them during the day. Confession, Red Fang and Crossfaith will kick things off at 12.50, while Duff McKagan’s Loaded, Living with Lions, Motion City Soundtrack and The Chariot will be the last acts to appear some six hours later.

Pick out the acts that you want to meet, and go stake out your spot at the tent!

You can also access all the other essential information for the festival – like timetables, maps and transport info – right here.

(Click for larger image)

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