Stone Temple Pilots rumoured to take hiatus after Scott Weiland meltdown

The very troubled Scott Weiland seems to be beset once again by his own personal demons, with Stone Temple Pilots rumoured to be on hiatus following Weiland’s breakdown on stage at Houston Texas’s Woodlands last Sunday.

After taking to the stage over an hour late, Weiland then greeted the crowd with a rambling personal speech about his life, his family and music. You can watch the whole thing on the video below.

“On the eight of December will be time when I stopped doing dope. I started drinking again. I got divorced, my wife… My whole world basically spun around and so you know what? I’m gonna take care of myself because that’s what I need to take care of,” he said. “Instead of just having a few shows, I wanna have a whole hell of a lot of shows.”

With the band cancelling a run of dates on their current tour, things don’t look good, ad neither does Weiland admitting he’s started drinking again.

Stone Temple Pilots- Crackerman and drunk rant from Scott Weiland

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