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A Stoner Food Spot Is Opening In Sydney Tomorrow At 4:20pm

Sydney stoners are sure to be excited as the city’s very first restaurant officially specialising in stoner food is opening tomorrow at 4:20pm and is called – what else – D’Munchies.

Is this just some other bullshit theme restaurant peddling tacos and burgers, trying to piggy back off stoner culture? No my friend, as Broadsheet reports, this is very different beast, serving unholy junk food creations Frankenstein would be proud of.

Offering up exotic fare like pretzel baguettes, a pepperoni pizza hotdog and the honestly disgusting sounding deep fried ravioli nachos, their business model seems to be the weirder the food the better. With a DIY ice cream station on top of all this, where you can add ingredients like Fruit Loops or sour worms, this is truly a paradise for the gastronomically adventurous and irresponsible.

As the brain child, head chef and co-owner David Pyne put it himself, “it’s pretty obvious how the idea came about.”

“It’s a very loud statement, but that’s sort of what we’re about. It’s for people who enjoy that, and that’s what we’re here for.”

Commenting on whether this is a reaction to the lockout laws, Pyne was clear on his thinking, pointing out “nobody’s ever glassed someone while they’re stoned.

“If you want to go out and smoke a joint, you should be able to.”

Amen brother, amen.

D’Munchies will be open from 4:20pm Wednesday 6th April at 170 King Street Newtown in Sydney.

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