Stream: Red Hot Chili Peppers ‘I’m With You’ Full Album

Red Hot Chili Peppers have a free stream of their new album I’m With You live for 24 hours. Fans are now able to get a taste of the new album and so far it sounds pretty good! We heard a few of the new tracks last week, after the band showcased some songs live.

The band will also be recording a live performance of the album in full, which will screen in cinema’s across the U.S on August 30th; Australia will get it at a slightly later date.

The video for first single, The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie was released a few weeks ago, and has already established itself as a chili’s classic, with new guitarist Josh Klinghoffer bringing his own distinct sound to the track.

Listen to the new album here

Red Hot Chili Peppers ‘I’m With You’ Tracklist

01. Monarchy Of Roses
02. Factory Of Faith
03. Brendan’s Death Song
04. Ethiopia
05. Annie Wants A Baby
06. Look Around
07. The Adventures Of Raindance Maggie
08. Did I Let You Know
09. Goodbye Hooray
10. Happiness Loves Company
11. Police Station
12. Even You Brutus?
13. Meet Me At The Corner
14. Dance, Dance, Dance

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