Suicide Silence Launch Official Memorial Fund For Mitch Lucker’s Daughter

Suicide Silence have set up an official memorial fund in honour of their recently deceased frontman Mitch Lucker, with proceeds going towards Lucker’s surviving 5-year-old daughter, Kenadee. All donations will go towards Kenadee’s education fund, while anyone who donates over $20 will receive a commemorative T-shirt, (pictured below).

To show your support and give money towards Kenadee’s education fund, visit Suicide Silence’s official website.

It was just last week when the tragic news broke that Mitch Lucker had passed away due to injuries sustained from a motocycle accident. Lucker was only 28 years old and is mourned by his daughter Kenadee and his wife Jolie Carmadella.

Speaking publicly about her husband’s passing, Jolie cautioned Lucker’s many fans around the world to take heed from the terrible accident. Jolie spoke of Lucker’s battle with alcohol and how she tried to deter him from riding his motocycle on the night of the accident.

On Halloween night, Lucker’s Harley-Davison struck a pole at about 8:55pm on Main Street in Huntington Beach. He died soon after on Thursday morning at 6 a.m. at UC Irvine Medical Center due to the serious nature of the injuries sustained from the crash.

Music Feeds send our thoughts of sympathy to Lucker’s surviving family and friends.

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