Superheist Unleash Fiery Rant After Some Flog Chucked A Glass At Them During Their Brisbane Gig

Superheist drummer John Sankey has issued furious statement online following the band’s show in Brisbane last night.

The tubthumper and co-founder of doomed Legion festival stormed offstage after some POS hurled a glass at him halfway through the set, and was so “PISSED OFF” after it collided with him that he very nearly didn’t finish the show.

“Not surprisingly the spineless prick who threw it didn’t own up and hid like a bitch,” Sankey raged. “I’ve been playing music as a career for 20 years all over the world and I’ve seen some weird shit thrown onstage but never anything as dangerous or potentially damaging as a glass. That’s blatant fucking stupidity and the asshole responsible needs to be taught a lesson.”

“If it wasn’t for the other guys in the band there’s no way I would have walked back on that stage last night, I was fucking done with it but I didn’t want to let them down so I agreed to finish the show,” he continued, issuing a fiery call to arms for anyone who might know the identity of the glass-chucker to come forward.

“We are hoping to get video footage and find out who the piece of shit was who threw the glass, if anyone knows speak up,” he said. “If you think it’s cool to put an artist onstage in danger you need a severe reality check and you definitely aren’t fucking welcome at a Superheist show, ever! To all the other fans who were there last night we thank you all and appreciate the support.”

You can read his full statement below, and non-glass-chucking fuckwits can catch the rest of the band’s tour dates here.

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